
I am a final year student who is understanding the working of various segments of code to present a complete picture. Currently interested in Machine learning while working on this website and Page Rank as my project.
All images used below have been modified to custom preference.

Github Activity

This section represents activity on my github profile spanning last few weeks. The graph is created using Chart Js library and then modified using Github API to obtain values.

Graph's y axis represents the contributions made during that period of time, While x axis represents the duration in which contributions were made.

Skills Section

Graph represents the measure of skills that I have to that of what I believe is required as decent beginner.


WEB-D Projects

Section represents my projects, developed using HTML5, CSS3, Js and frameworks. The projects are made keeping accessibility issue in mind so that it can cover wider masses.

Some projects :-

Python Projects

Section represents my projects developed using python. Projects include application of Data Structures, Network Application Program Interface and Databases for Data retrieval, processing and visualization.

Some projects :-


C/C++ Projects

This section represents my projects that were developed using C/C++.

Some projects :-